• President Mattarella promulgates Dl Sicurezza with relief letter
  • Government, conversation between Conte and Mattarella al Quirinale. "No crisis or resignation hypothesis"
  • Government, Salvini: "Something broke in the last few months"
  • Salvini's ultimatum: radical change of government or going to elections
  • Tav: the Senate rejects the 5S motion, the opposition passes. The summit ended at Palazzo Chigi
  • Tav, Zingaretti: Count immediately at Colle, it has no majority
  • Tav, Berlusconi to Salvini: the vote is the best solution
  • Salvini and the Manovra: "No to the game of the three cards, down the taxes and via the Tasi"
  • Viminale, Salvini: "From social partners yes to Tav and no minimum wage"
  • Salvini, tension with M5S: "No to other months of arguments. Toninelli? He is not up to par"


08 August 2019

"Needless to go on with no shocks and quarrels, as in the last few weeks. Italians need certainty and a government to do, not" Mr. No ". Matteo Salvini puts it on paper that "we don't want extra seats or ministers, we don't want reshuffles or technical governments: after this government, which has done so many good things, there are only - he warns - the elections".

"I reiterated it today - confirms - to President Conte: we immediately go to Parliament to acknowledge that there is no longer a majority, as is evident from the vote on the Board and the repeated insults to me and the League by the" allies " , and we quickly return the word to the voters ".

"The holidays - is the leap of the Northern League leader - cannot be an excuse to waste time and parliamentarians, unless they want to save the seat at all costs, can return to work next week, as millions of Italians do".

This is the outcome of the Conte-Salvini summit at Palazzo Chigi this afternoon. A meeting that lasted over an hour, with Luigi Di Maio locked in his office at work, as 5S sources have known. The political leader of the Movement broke the silence towards evening, leaving the government building after Salvini, together with the prime minister.

Di Maio: "A difficult day, but I am calm. We work for the country"
"It's a difficult day, we're working for the country, I'm calm," says Luigi Di Maio, leaving Palazzo Chigi to go, as he himself says, to his brother's 25th birthday party. To the questions of reporters on a possible parliamentarization of the crisis, he replies: "There are no ifs, what I can say is that we are working for the country". "I am calm, I wish you good work and have a good day. I thank you for the job, I know that we are ruining a few days off," he adds. "There are all the talks in progress that are needed, Palazzo Chigi is paid to work for the Italians ", he concludes.

In an official statement, today the League has made it clear that it does not want to reshuffle and that the only alternative to this government is to give the word back to the Italians with new elections. The 5-Star Movement asks the allies for clarity. This morning Prime Minister Conte went to the Quirinale for an interview with President Mattarella.

Contacts between deputy premier Luigi Di Maio and the president of the Chamber Roberto Fico, according to what we learn, were registered today. M5S parliamentary sources, questioned about this, do not exclude that the leader of the Movement saw this morning, first Fico and then the group leaders Francesco D'Uva and Stefano Patuanelli.

Mattarella sees Fico: Camera calendar and possible developments of the crisis
The president of the Republic has summoned the president of the Chamber, Roberto Fico, for an examination of the situation, after the fibrillations of the majority registered both yesterday and today. Mattarella would have met with Fico to evaluate with him the possible times of the House's reconvening - convened for 9 September - and, in the case of any type of communication, it should be reopened before the deadline. However, nothing has been decided yet: the developments of internal confrontation with the executive and majority are awaited, so no mention has yet been made of the possibility of bringing to Parliament a debate concerning the clash taking place at this time. However, the President of the Senate, Maria Elisabetta Casellati, did not come to the Hill because he is outside Rome.

At the center of the interview, asked by the president of the Chamber, is explained, the procedures and the timing of the convocation of the Houses in case of any government crisis. It should be remembered, in fact, that both branches of Parliament are currently on vacation: the Senate from today - yesterday was the last session - and the House from 1 August. Therefore, in the event that the situation should precipitate further and it was necessary to 'parliamentarize' the crisis, technical times are needed for the convocation of the Chambers, in order to give the possibility to deputies and senators to return to Rome.

League: "The only alternative to this government is the elections"
"Every day that passes is a lost day, for us the only alternative to this government is to give the word back to the Italians with new elections". Thus the League, which reiterates its position: "Never asked or ask for seats, far from any hypothesis of government reshuffle". "There is the awareness and the acknowledgment that, after the many good things done, for too long on fundamental issues for the country such as major works, infrastructure and economic development, fiscal shock, application of autonomy, energy, reform of justice and relationship with Europe - it is noted - between the League and 5 stars there are different visions ".

"Yesterday's vote on the Tav is just the latest, obvious, irremediable certification. Italy needs certainty and courageous and shared choices, it is useless to go on with no, postponements, blockades and daily quarrels", the party points out by Salvini.

League: no hypothesis of withdrawal of our ministers
Matteo Salvini is not considering withdrawing the delegation of the Northern League ministers from the government, the Lega's press office specifies in a note released to comment on some press rumors.

M5S: Unintelligible league, be clear
The words of the League are judged unclear by the 5 stars, which counter-reply, pressing it to officially come out into the open: "The note of the League is incomprehensible. They clearly state what they want to do. Let them be clear".

Conte-Mattarella interview at the Quirinale
Previously Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte had a meeting at the Quirinale with the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella. An interview that would have been informative, to make "the point of the situation". There would be no talk of a crisis opening, let alone resignation.

The prime minister had returned to Palazzo Chigi after an hour's talk with the head of state. The premier, smiling, had not answered the reporters' questions. Thanking those who wish him a happy birthday, Conte had only said: "Greetings and good work".

Di Maio: "We in the government not to ask for seats, but to cut them"
"We never liked the palace toys and this debate on the seats starts to tire me. We went to the government not to ask them, but to cut them. And we put it on paper in the contract, together with the League," he had written this morning on Facebook, the vice premier Luigi Di Maio, recalling that in September we vote on the constitutional law that cuts the number of parliamentarians.

About the law now being examined by the Chamber, Di Maio recalls: "There is a reform of the 5-star MoVement that awaits the last vote on September 9. On September 9 we will definitively cut 345 parliamentarians. It means that in the next elections many old politicians will have to start looking for a job ". In his opinion, "it is an epochal reform against the privileges of politicians and in favor of common sense. For years the State has only been able to ask, from 9 September instead it will begin to return something back to the citizens: we save half a billion euros to put up roads, hospitals, on the reduction of taxes. Only the last vote is missing and I hope nobody will pull back at the last minute, it would be very serious. In fact, it would be a signal to the country. The signal of those who do not want to change anything. beautiful but not enough, we need facts ".

Sources M5S: madness if technical crisis returns with the crisis
"We read from the newspapers of possible government crises. The M5S is at work as every day for the country and therefore it is also the political leader, Luigi Di Maio. Anyone who today opened a government crisis, on August 8, would assume the responsibility to bring a technical government back to Italy. It would be crazy, "government sources of the M5S said.

The opposition calls for a return to the polls
"This country no longer has a majority. The experiment that started 13 months ago failed", states the leader of the Democratic Party, Nicola Zingaretti, who invites the Italians to be "consistent. If there is no parliamentary majority, go to the vote".

"The institutional rules are reduced to ridicule. The dangers to democracy, at this moment, do not come from the risk of authoritarian turning or fascist upsurge. But from democracy to farce. We need to react with determination", the deputy secretary of the press writes on twitter of the Democratic Party Andrea Orlando.

Also for Forza Italia "Prime Minister Conte should remove Italy from a condition of embarrassment and stalemate that is not good for anyone. The only solution is to go early to the vote", says the leader Mariastella Gelmini.