
White police officers on horseback in the United States quickly pulled black suspects on a rope and spread quickly through social media. It was accused of being a slave society.

I am reporter Jeong Dong-yeon.


A black man with his arms tied back between two horseback policemen walks on a rope.

On Wednesday, a black suspect was accused of trespassing in a building in Texas, USA.

Cowboy hats, horse-drawn whites, and black men tied to a rope are reminiscent of a black slave 200 years ago.

As this picture spread through SNS, I was able to wait until it was a slave society or a police car.

[Ben Crump / Human Rights Attorney: 2019 is now, not 1719. We must send a message that this is no longer acceptable in the United States.]

Racial discrimination controversy arose with the claim that the suspect was white, even if he was white.

As controversy escalated, local police officials said in a statement that they had "no malicious intentions."

He said he would not carry out the arresting suspect on horseback.

(Image editing: Park Ji-in)