“You know that I am not a supporter of the collapse of the European Union. Although it seems somewhat strange. Not everyone understands me. They say that they brought so much evil to you, and they considered it a dictator (maybe someone else thinks), and they built a fence, and relations deteriorated, they imposed sanctions. But one cannot proceed from this. It’s still bad for our relations, but it’s particular, ”Belta quotes Lukashenko.

He noted that "the European Union is the pillar of the planet."

“Together with the USA, China, India, Russia. These are the pillars of our planet. If at least one of them, especially one such as the European Union, is torn out from under our world, it, of course, will not collapse, but it will greatly stagger. And in the region of our Eurasian stability it will become an order of magnitude less, ”the president said.

Lukashenko said earlier that Belarus would not break relations with fraternal Russia for any money.