“The United States withdrew from the ABM Treaty, this was their first exit. Now they are withdrawing from the Treaty on intermediate and shorter-range missiles. Now the Strategic Offensive Arms Treaty remains in force. And it was already stated by them that they are considering the issue - in the 21st year they want to withdraw from this agreement too. And the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons ... Why are they doing this, as I understand it, and I hope that many experts? In order to ensure their superiority in the world, ”he said.

According to Patrushev, when these agreements work, the USA does not yet have clear superiority anywhere in the world.

“When these agreements do not work, they will place weapons at any point against any enemy whom they consider to be such, and in any quantity, achieving superiority,” he added.

On August 2, the INF Treaty was officially terminated at the initiative of the United States.

As Russian President Vladimir Putin emphasized, Moscow cannot ignore the state of affairs after Washington withdraws from the agreement.

The head of state instructed to observe the steps of the American side in developing the INF program.