It is difficult for North Korea to achieve the denuclearization of North Korea with the greatest pressure, and if the sanctions are put on the table, North Korea's missile tests will be stopped and North Korea's negotiations will start.

Ken Gauss, a US Navy researcher, said in his posting on the subject of a political journalist Dahl on the 5th, "Trump has a right idea about North Korea, but needs to change strategy."

Dr. Gauss said, "We made a certain concession to North Korea but we had little influence on North Korea because we made wrong concessions." "If we want to stop the North Korean action, we need economic concessions, not security."

He added, "The promise to support India will not be effective, and sanctions will be pursued by Kim." He wants the money in the regime's safeguard, it's clear and simple. "

Dr. Gauss pointed out that North Korea's complaint about the US-ROK combined exercise and the introduction of the Korean stealth fighter F-35 is merely a smoke film for justifying the launch of the missile test. "Putting what North Korea wants on the table will stop the test launch, It will begin. "

"Sometimes we need to do things that we do not want for the bigger picture," he said, "the biggest pressure is failure, we have never worked and will not work," he said.

Dr. Gauss said, "We should change the North Korea strategy into a kind of larger, regional strategy aimed at responding to the rise of China in a kind of zero-sum game on the Korean Peninsula." We want Kim Jong Eun to give us what he wants, It is necessary. "

"As long as the (nuclear) program continues to be in the box, we must accept North Korea, whether it is good or bad," he said. "Moreover, we can use the continuing existence of the (nuclear) program to justify US forces stationed in Korea. "This is what makes China's plan to expand its regional influence."

"We have to deal with reality, not reality," Gauss said. "Otherwise, we will face more test firing and more rapid nuclear program evolution, and there is nothing we can do." I pointed out.