
by Michela Coricelli 05 August 2019The escalation of the US-China trade war continues to burn billions in markets around the world. Only 180 billion euros in Europe alone. Milan sells 1.30%, Frankfurt 1.80%, Paris 2.19% and London 2.47%.

In deep red also continues Wall Street: the Dow Jones loses 2% and the Nasdaq over two and a half points.

The daughter of the trade war, investors fear currency warfare. The Chinese yuan has fallen to its lowest point since 2008: Trump accuses Beijing of "monetary manipulation", a criticism that China rejects.

The spread between Italian BTP and German Bund widens to 207 basis points. The negative yield of the German ten-year security continues to fall to -0.52%. By now all German government bonds, even those at 30, have negative returns.