The Taliban at the Khalifa Bin Zayed School in Al Ain City, Ibrahim Mohammed Azizi and Abdul Qadir Mohammed Al Musallami, invented a smart device to clean and sterilize the escalators to eliminate the germs and to prevent the transmission of infection to users, pointing out that their innovation is the first of its kind. All ladders are business centers, companies, banks, hospitals, and other service places.

Azizi said that the idea of ​​the project was caused by the large number of germs on the "escalator" escalators, as a result of thousands of hands a day, and some of them are unclean, and the other sweating, which makes it fertile environment for the transfer of germs and diseases, and push many people to worry about touching, which may affect In their balance while using it.

"To overcome this, we have devised a sterilization device that can eliminate 99.9% of the germs on the escalator using the washing, drying and autoclaving technique to eliminate germs, a new method that has not been used before. In the state or region. "

While the Muslims reported that they were implemented under the supervision of the school teacher Muhammad Nizar al-Najjar, pointing out that the device is in three steps, the first use of water and soap disinfectant to wash the «handrails», automatically, and then drying with compressor air, in addition to sterilization.

He explained that this innovation is the first of its kind, which works to prevent the spread of infection through the elimination of bacteria, without the need to stop and dismantle the stairs, and it uses completely safe materials, and does not have any adverse effect on human health, and works to clear the «handrails» Throughout the elevator movement.

He stressed that the cleaning and sterilization can be easily installed on the "escalator" escalator, and can work 24 hours a day.