Invited Friday of Europe 1, on the eve of a day classified black in the direction of departures, Emmanuel Barbe recalled the importance of "to pass the wheel" on the roads.


The weekend looks more than complicated on the roads of France. The day of Saturday, crossover day between "juillettistes" and "aoûtiens", will be "the most difficult day of the summer on all the main axes", warned Wednesday Bison smart, which classified it black in the direction of departures. Between respect for speed limits and regular breaks, the interministerial delegate for road safety Emmanuel Barbe, invited Friday of Europe 1, delivered his recommendations to holidaymakers.

"The biggest risk is getting tired with a sleep debt, and therefore having accidents related to drowsiness and fatigue," he says, "especially if, because of traffic jams, we have to drive longer than expected ". Drowsiness remains the leading cause of fatal accidents on the road, and according to an IFOP survey for MMA, more than 8 in 10 French (78%) change their sleep time the day before their departure. "You have to take breaks, sleep, and get behind the wheel," reminds Emmanuel Barbe.

"Women have to drive"

Yet, according to the IFOP survey, 66% of those surveyed do not plan to leave their driving seat during the trip. "Women must drive," says the interministerial delegate for road safety, which recalls that "82% of fatal accidents are men." According to him, it is necessary that the women "claim the fact that when they drive, one is more safe than when they are men at the wheel".

READ ALSO - What to eat so you do not fall asleep at the wheel?

"Speed ​​is always an accident factor," reminds Emmanuel Barbe, before calling to respect the limitations. "To respect the rules is to respect the others," he explains, defending the radars, "a method that has proved its worth." "Radars have saved tens of thousands of lives," he says. In the long term, the "turret radars", these new generation vehicles, including a "hundred or so" have been installed on French roads since the beginning of the year, will also improve safety on the roads. More precisely, "they will sanction other behaviors, like the phone while driving."