Nanterre (AFP)

About 430 people who opposed the installation of Linky meter at home were dismissed Friday before the court of Nanterre (Hauts-de-Seine), as were the majority of people who have already seized justice in France.

This "smart meter", whose installation is piloted by Enedis and which allows remote and live monitoring of electricity consumption of customers, has been the subject of recurring controversy since its deployment in 2015.

Individuals lodged an interlocutory appeal (an emergency procedure) throughout France in the form of collective actions. About twenty procedures are in progress, with more than 5,000 applicants. They ask for the removal or non-installation of these meters, invoking the impact of electromagnetic waves on health, an infringement of free choice or privacy.

The vast majority have so far been dismissed, although several courts have recognized a few dozen people suffering from hypersensitivity to the waves the right not to be equipped against their will.

In these decisions consulted by AFP, the Nanterre court found in particular that the plaintiffs did not report evidence "of a causal link between their pathology and exposure to the electromagnetic fields of the Linky meters".

These decisions "reward all the upstream work of Enedis who sought guarantees" to ensure "that there were no problems, both in terms of health and data protection", s is congratulated with the AFP the lawyer of the subsidiary of EDF, Michel Guénaire.

The anti-Linky lawyer, Christophe Lèguevaques, for his part said it would "probably" call.

The court in Tours, which asked Tuesday the removal of counters at 13 individuals for medical reasons, has recognized in particular that the state of chronic fatigue of a child of seven years could be linked Linky meter.

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