“A good, mature watermelon is large, has a holistic cover, the color of the peel is bright and contrast, the bright spot on the side, which lay on the watermelon, should be as yellow as possible, even orange. A ripe watermelon is necessarily covered with a hard shiny crust, if the nail easily pierces the watermelon skin - it means that the watermelon is immature, ”the department said.

At the same time, it is specified that dry leg and tendril indicate dry watermelon maturity.

A good fetus can also be identified by probing and tapping. A mature watermelon vibrates when it is struck by a palm, and upon impact by a bent finger, a moderately resounding sound is emitted. If it is compressed along the longitudinal axis, then a weak crunch should be heard.

If after the incision the fruit has a sour smell, then it cannot be eaten, as there is a risk of food poisoning.

Reliably determine the presence of nitrates in the eye is difficult, but there are characteristic signs. So, for example, the color of the pulp of watermelon with nitrates is intensely bright red with a slight violet tinge, and its fibers, going from the core to the crust, are not white, but with all shades of yellow.

The department recommends taking medium-sized watermelons.

Earlier, the site "Moscow 24" reported that melon ruins in the capital will open on Saturday, August 3.