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Former Italian Secretary of State Sandro Gozi, here at a meeting for the European, May 6, 2019 in Paris. JACQUES DEMARTHON / AFP

Former Italian Secretary of State for European Affairs Sandro Gozi is accused of treason by Vice-President Luigi Di Maio, leader of the 5-star Movement, and the post-fascist party Fratelli d'Italia after joining the cabinet of French Prime Minister Édouard Philippe.

In Italy, Sandro Gozi has always been perceived as a convinced European, as attached to his country as to France. But Vice-President of the Council Luigi Di Maio and the post-fascist party Fratelli d'Italia believe that his entry to Matignon is " inadmissible " because he could divulge sensitive information that he had access as Secretary of State under the governments Renzi and Gentiloni, between 2014 and 2018.

" You work for the Italian government, you represent and you serve the Italian state and then at some point you betray and you will enlist in the ranks of another government, " insurgency Luigi Di Maio. " Then we have to think about whether we should take away his nationality, because we are facing something worrying, one of our secretaries of state now becomes a member of another government with which we have many points in common, but also conflicting interests , "he added.

Sandro Gozi, 51, was on the French presidential party list La Republique en marche in the European elections last May. He is one of the five MEPs in France who will take office from British officials after Brexit. In the meantime, he has joined the cabinet of Prime Minister Philippe Philippe as a project officer in charge of monitoring the establishment of the new European institutions and relations with the European Parliament.

Giorgia Meloni, the very strong leader of Fratelli d'Italia, has just launched a petition on the platform Change.org to support this proposal, says our correspondent in Rome, Anne Le Nir . Totally in contradiction with European law and which is not without evoking the dark pages of Mussolini's Italy.