Johannesburg (AFP)

Officials, musicians and other South African artists bid farewell to singer Johnny Clegg at a public ceremony in Johannesburg Friday in memory of "White Zulu", ten days after the death of one of the great voices of the fight against the aparheid.

The singer who mixed African rhythms and Western pop died July 16 at his home in Johannesburg to pancreatic cancer. He was 66 years old. His funeral was celebrated last week in intimacy.

Musicians of all styles paid tribute to him by playing some of his most famous tunes that earned him international fame.

Actor John Kani delivered a moving funeral oration for the missing man, who remained famous for defying the apartheid laws.

"It was very easy for Johnny to choose to enjoy the privilege of being White and rock star, but he also had a heart that told him not to ignore the fate of others," said Kani.

Born in Britain, Johnny Clegg had followed his mother to Johannesburg when he was only six years old.

His contact with Zulu migrant workers during his adolescence had introduced him to this culture and his music. He was often arrested under the segregationist regime that ended in 1994 for his involvement with black musicians.

"Our country and culture workers are in mourning," said Nathi Mthethwa, Minister of Arts and Culture, in a speech.

"Through his music, he inspired us courage as we struggled to come out of a long night of despair," said Mthethwa, adding that Clegg's work "would be part of our national memory".

In front of a thousand fans of Johnny Clegg, his son Jesse went on stage with the Soweto Gospel Choir to perform a song written with his father, "I've been looking".

"Despite his successes, he felt that being a father was his most important duty," said Jesse.

Adding a personal touch, Sipho Mchunu, the deceased's long-time musical partner and mentor, recalled how Clegg wrote a love letter on his behalf to a woman who would become one of his six wives.

The tribute closed with more than 30 South African musicians singing on stage its success, "The Crossing".

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