Tariq Cain

Scientists have uncovered the case of gene theft that could lead to the creation of new biofuels and the production of chemicals for cleaning.

According to two studies published in the journal E Live on July 15, 10 species of red algae have stolen about 1% of their genes from bacteria to counter toxic metals and salt stress in hot springs.

Stolen genes
These species of Cyanidiales have many genes that allow them to absorb and process various sources of carbon in the environment to provide additional sources of energy and to supplement their photosynthesis pattern.

"The role of stolen genes in eukaryotes - which include most organisms such as algae - has been heatedly discussed, and many believe it is unimportant and does not play any role," said co-author Debashish Bhattacharya, a professor of biochemistry and microbiology at Rutgers University in New Brunswick. Little role in biology. "

"But our strong genomic data provide the first major evidence that this narrative is wrong, and adapting to a challenging environment can be directly facilitated by stolen genes."

Horizontal gene transfer The main reason for the possession of bacteria is the ability to resist antibiotics (Pixabee)

Legitimate thefts
Algae steal genes from bacteria and clots through a mechanism known as horizontal gene transport, a very important mechanism, and may form the dominant mode of gene transfer in mono-cell organisms.

The transfer of horizontal genes is often caused by the exchange of plasmids (extracellular molecules of DNA carrying additional genes in bacteria) in isolation from the reproductive process, through which organisms obtain genetic material from other organisms without being offspring.

Conversely, vertical gene transfer occurs when the organism receives genes from its predecessors.

The transmission of horizontal genes is the main cause of the bacteria's ability to resist antibiotics, and the ability to analyze new chemical compounds, such as modern pesticides.

Finding such phenomena in nature and finding out how genes are stolen inspire scientists and can use these natural rules to develop new genetic engineering methods in the lab for humans.

The red algae at Yellowstone National Park appear green because chlorophyll blocks its red dye (the sites of communication)

Theft detection
The main objective of this study was to determine whether these algae adapt to their extreme harsh environment by stealing genes from pre-adapted and resident bacteria that make them resistant to stress or have a mechanism to do so.

For this reason, scientists have created 10 new "cyanidal" genomes in Galdieria Algae, which grow in hot springs and resist high temperatures and high acidic conditions.

The algae were obtained from Yellowstone National Park, the first national park in the world, selected by UNESCO as one of the world's cultural heritage sites. It is famous for volcanoes and hot springs. The old hot water spring is one of the most popular attractions in the park.

The analyzes of the ten genomes have shown that about 1% of red algae genes do not belong to these algae, and they have already come from bacteria.

Red algae are among the most efficient living organisms in energy conversion on earth (communication sites)

Customized algae
The results of the study can lead to the design of new, customized algae that produce fuel and chemical cleaning agents.

According to Bhattacharya, this can be done by designing algae that produce fuel or chemicals that can clean contaminated sites, because cyanidalis can treat toxic compounds and metals, such as arsenic and mercury.

The next steps are to build new genetic tools for the study of red algae species and to conduct further laboratory tests to determine if they are operating the bacterial genes under stress conditions as expected.

Julia van Etten, a doctoral student at the Pahatcharya Laboratory, won the NASA Prize and received funding for three years to conduct these proposed studies on cyanideal algae.