The Department of Islamic Affairs and Charitable Activities in Dubai has intensified its awareness-raising lectures aimed at promoting the values ​​of tolerance in the country, both at the community, school and family levels. The Department of Education and Religious Guidance in the Department has delivered lectures on various religious, cultural and social topics to 32 male and female schools in different parts of the Emirate of Dubai during the past academic year. Tolerance, to affirm the values ​​of charity, solidarity and tolerance in the UAE society.

"The provision of diverse religious and cultural lectures is a major and important source of building a tolerant Muslim culture through schools' platforms that allow preachers, specialists and mentors to interact directly with, and respond to, the ideas of the younger generation," said Yousry Al-Qa'ood, director of religious education and guidance at the department. With the necessary information, in the belief of the Department in its developmental role to promote religious awareness and the consolidation of moral values ​​».

The head of the Department of Religious Guidance in the Department, Ibrahim Al Mansouri, the participation of a group of preachers and specialists and qualified instructors in the Department in the lectures, which amounted to 17 people, pointing out that the benefit of 4857 people of different ages of lectures, as part of the social responsibility that the Department seeks to adopt , To make the desired positive change.

He added that the lectures dealt with a variety of moral, religious and social values ​​that touched the interests of students and students, such as: "Tolerance," "Create Your Future," "My Precious Country," "Respect," "Trust," " , "The morals of the daughters of Zayed" and "the righteousness of the parents".

The Department of Religious Education and Guidance in the Department provided counseling aimed at promoting family tolerance, reaching 450 consultations in the second quarter of this year, after the conversion of some social cases from the Ministry of Community Development, Community Development Authority, Dubai Courts and the Public Prosecutor's Office. , In the belief of the Department in turn and its religious and scientific mission.

The department stated that it has the responsibility of society by adopting comprehensive strategies that promote family and community stability to achieve individual and collective happiness.

She added that the consultations targeted all segments of the society, with the aim of building a family that can deal with the daily challenges. The consultations included marital, behavioral, educational, family and guidance cases, as well as marriage, custody, rehabilitation, divorce and related benefits. During the holy month of Ramadan, the Department organized dozens of educational and awareness lectures aimed at the employees and employees of government institutions, mosque worshipers and patients in some hospitals in Dubai to spread the values ​​of Islam and the spirit of tolerance among citizens and residents of different Arab and foreign communities.