
President Roh Moo-jin and representatives of the ruling Uri Party are meeting today (18th) in the afternoon of the Cheong Wa Dae amid conflicts between the two countries due to Japan's export regulations. In addition to bipartisan cooperation measures on export control measures in Japan, it is expected that discussions will be held on the whole of the state pending issues such as the extraordinary National Assembly in June.

It is report of reporter Min Kyung Ho.


President Moon Jae-in and representatives of the National Assembly 5 meet at the Cheong Wa Dae today to discuss countermeasures against Japanese export regulations.

It is expected that a resolution will be issued to voice countermeasures in one voice as it emphasizes bipartisan cooperation.

[Lee, Hae-chan / Democratic Party Representative: As it is held at a strict time, the ruling and opposition parties will have to gather wisdom for the nation and the people.

[Hwangsang-an / Free Korea-Republican Representative: I hope that you will come to the talks while thinking only about the country and the people, apart from the sectarian interests.]

However, there are observations that the Democratic Party, which is increasingly raising the water level and emphasizing decisive actions, should be aware of the excessive stimulation of anti-Japanese sentiment,

[Son Hak-gyu / President of the Right Future Party: If the pursuit of consensus on the national emotion and the Japan emotion is made possible ... ]

It is expected that discussions on the current status of the National Assembly in June, which is stalled as the economic retaliation is not limited to the agenda, will continue.

In addition, the three minority minorities are expected to strongly demand consensus on the reform of the electoral system.