About this writes The Hill.

The document "strongly condemns the racist remarks of President Donald Trump," which "heightened hatred" for "new color Americans."

The resolution was sponsored by congressman Tom Malinowski. In his Twitter, he noted that members of the House of Representatives will have to choose between the vision of President Ronald Reagan, who believed that "America has become stronger thanks to migrants" and "President Trump's message about fear."

It clarifies the publication, earlier on Twitter, he turned to four women from the Congress, including Rashid Tlaib, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes, Ayanna Pressli and Ilhan Omar.

The President noted that “progressive democratic congresswomen who came from countries whose governments are catastrophes are now loudly and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and most powerful nation, about how the government should be managed,” after which he advised politicians to “go where they came from "to deal with the problems of their homeland.