Hassan El Masry - Cairo

"You can not forget this day when nationalities were so diverse." With these words, the Egyptian university student Khaled Mahmoud describes his feelings during a youth festival last Friday in Cairo.

At the Suzanne Mubarak Public Park in Cairo, dozens of young people from 10 countries met as part of a cultural exchange day organized by a non-profit youth organization, Eisik Egypt, to promote rapprochement between people, support student communication and correct misconceptions about travel.

The festival was attended by 10 countries: Morocco, Tunisia, India, Pakistan, Italy and Brazil, as well as Egypt, as well as youth from other countries such as South Africa, China and Turkey.

Khalid Mahmoud added that the event made him acquainted with young people of different nationalities and gained international friendships, especially from Morocco and Pakistan. He also learned about some of the customs and traditions of these countries, such as popular cuisine, uniforms and local dialects.

Dozens of young people from 10 countries met in a cultural exchange day organized by a non-profit youth organization (Al Jazeera)

The representatives of each country were keen to present folkloric performances, as well as popular dishes. The festival also included a passage about travel, its pros and cons, as an important way to discover cultures and learn about the different peoples.

During his speech at the ceremony, Egyptian traveler Marwan Lutfi said that the importance of travel stems from the recognition of different cultures, the ability to adapt to social changes and the discovery of the unknown, pointing out that there is a misconception in Egypt that travel is just a luxury and spending money only.

The paragraphs varied between popular cuisine, local music and special costumes (Al Jazeera)

The young Egyptian Sayed said to Al Jazeera Net that he came specially from Damietta (north of Cairo) to get new friends from other countries, and learn about the various dishes that characterize the countries participating in the event.

A young participant from Morocco said he was happy with the effectiveness as an opportunity to get acquainted and get friends from other countries, noting that he had served Moroccan and Moroccan delicacies such as chebakia, muffins and pancakes.

Young people considered the festival an opportunity to get acquainted and get friends from other countries (Al Jazeera)

The festival is an annual event organized by AISC Egypt branch, a global youth organization that organizes youth events, international training and youth leadership development, especially university students.

The organization engages students and graduates in international student training and exchange programs, supports communication among students and introduces new people by encouraging travel and attending similar events.

Carnival aims to promote acquaintance among young people around the world and correct misconceptions about travel (Al Jazeera)