Al Jazeera Net - Private

Four people were killed and four wounded, one of them in the army, in clashes Sunday between citizens and a military force at the headquarters of the Security and Intelligence in the town of Suki in the state of Sennar south of the Sudanese capital Khartoum.

According to eyewitnesses who spoke to Al Jazeera Net, the confrontations came against the background of friction between the Suki people and the military force which took place on Saturday, where the city witnessed demonstrations in the processions of "Justice First" in the forty days of the sit-in.

The medical director of Suki Hospital Mohammed Yousef reported that the hospital received Sunday a bullet wound that penetrated the skull from the front of the head, as well as three gunshot wounds to civilians, one of them seriously in the chest and was transferred to Senge hospital.

Later, the hospital received an army soldier with a bullet wound to the spinal cord and liver, which also required him to be transferred to Senge hospital.

A lawyer in the town, about 45 kilometers east of Sennar, said that a young man was shot in the head by a bullet fired by security forces at the security headquarters.

Two other boys were shot dead and taken to hospital for treatment, and are now in stable condition.

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The Sudanese Central Committee of Doctors in the generalization of the fall of Anwar Hassan Idris in the city of Suki dead after being shot in the head by the "Janjaweed militias," in addition to the occurrence of a number of cases of serious cases.

The governor of the state-designate, Major General Ahmed Saleh Aboud, arrived in the town of Suki and held a meeting in the local buildings with the security committee, while the people of the area besieged the office of the security and intelligence apparatus where the aggressor force is based.

Later on Sunday afternoon, the governor went to security offices to try to lift the siege on the force but to no avail. An army force managed to evacuate it to Sanga, the state capital.

Witnesses reported that this force began harassing the citizens on Saturday evening after the procession and ordered the removal of youth gatherings and the closure of the town market, and after that gathered the people of the Suki until the separation of army forces between them and elements of the force.

Suki is witnessing a remarkable political activity, where the people of the city took part in a procession which was attended by a large number of observers in the June 30 million. The Friday evening also witnessed a seminar in the movement of the Declaration of Freedom and Change before returning to participate in the Saturday processions organized in several cities in the country.

For his part, said the gathering of Sudanese professionals that the city of Suki "face bloody events and may turn into a real massacre."

"This excessive violence is carried out by criminal and irresponsible militias, and their crime will be documented until they are brought to justice," the group said in a statement.

The assembly held the authorities in Sennar State and the central authorities in Khartoum responsible for what was happening in the city of Suki.

He also warned "anyone who begs himself to use murder and violence in the face of defenseless citizens, crimes against humanity do not fall and justice will reach all criminals long-time or short, and accountability inevitably come to each individual and group."