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The current Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and his son Eduardo, in Brasilia, on November 14, 2018. Sergio LIMA / AFP

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro announced on Thursday (July 11th) his intention to appoint his son Eduardo Bolsonaro ambassador to Washington. " Nepotism " according to diplomats, who fear the arrival of a " pawn " from the US State Department : the current MP is a friend of the Trump family.

Would it be a birthday present? Brazilian head of state Jair Bolsonaro has announced that his youngest son, Eduardo Bolsonaro, could become the new ambassador to Washington. The announcement came on Thursday, July 11, the day after the 35th anniversary, the minimum age for the position. Raising shields and accusations of immediate nepotism.

" It's not nepotism, I would never do that, " defended the extreme right-wing president Friday 12, during a live Facebook . " My son is much better than me, he has already visited several European countries, he is friends with the children [of the American president Donald] Trump, he speaks English and Spanish, he has a very great experience of the world. He could be a good person and would report to me perfectly, "added the former infantry captain.

Eduardo Bolsonaro was the only one to accompany Jair Bolsonaro during his meeting with President Donald Trump

" I've already cooked hamburgers " in the United States, boasted Eduardo Bolsonaro

In the face of criticism, the principal concerned, also a federal deputy, extolled his presidency of the " Foreign Affairs Committee " of the Chamber of Deputies. " I have already participated in exchanges, I have already cooked hamburgers " in the United States, he added Friday, July 12. Eduardo Bolsonaro added that Foreign Minister Ernesto Araujo " had expressed his support " for his appointment.

To materialize the case, Brasilia has yet to send an official indication, to be accepted by the interested party and then studied by the Senate.

The embassy in Washington is the most important diplomatic post for Brazil and has been vacant since June. For 50 years, it has been awarded exclusively to experienced diplomats.

Panic and mockery among diplomats

Diplomats were divided between " panic " and " mockery " at the announcement, according to the daily Folha de São Paulo . Notably on the side of the country's representatives at the UN, who fear the arrival of a " pawn " transforming Brazilian diplomacy into a " subdivision of the State Department " American child friend Trump, the third son of the head of the The state is Americanophile assumed and supporter of the billionaire's politics.

Eduardo Bolsonaro displays his cap "Trump 2020"

The hat !!!! pic.twitter.com/PlexXH0Vui

Brian Winter (@BrazilBrian) November 27, 2018

For former Brazilian ambassador to Washington Rubens Ricupero, such an appointment would be " unprecedented in the history of democratic countries ," he told the daily Estadão . Supreme Court Justice Marco Aurélio Mello said he believes such an appointment would be " nepotism ", the equivalent of " shooting himself in the foot, " he told Estadão . The highest court could have to decide.

" We believe to live in the nineteenth century, " lamented Oliver Stuenkel in the World , professor of international relations at the Getulio Vargas Foundation. " But it's a sign of the times, " he says, referring to Ivanka Trump's role in American diplomacy.

US President #Trump often dreams aloud for his daughter Ivanka. #Bolsonaro does it in Brazil with his son Eduardo to send it to DC. 1 uninhibited nepotism, further highlighting the jamming of the usual diplomatic frameworks in favor of bilateral clan relations.
RT + https://t.co/DCc5xFD4m4

Corentin Sellin (@CorentinSellin) July 12, 2019

According to the expert, the son Bolsonaro could be an agent of rapprochement of Brazil with the far right world. Indeed, the current MP has already met several times Steve Bannon, especially in the framework of The Movement , organization of the populist right in the world. The former advisor to Donald Trump has also congratulated this possible appointment.

It was a pleasure to meet STEVE BANNON, strategist in Donald Trump's presidential campaign.We had a great conversation and we share the same worldview.He said be an enthusiast of Bolsonaro's campaign and we are certainly in contact with forces, especially against cultural marxism . pic.twitter.com/ceHoui6FH5

Eduardo Bolsonaro🇧🇷 (@BolsonaroSP) August 4, 2018

" An opportunity " for industrialists

For Brazilian business circles, this would be an " opportunity to get closer to the United States, " said José Roriz Coelho , vice president of the State Industries Federation of São Paulo, in Folha de São Paulo. Eduardo's experience as a deputy could facilitate the relationship with US parliamentarians, they say.

Washington and Brasilia, however, are economic rivals: both compete in the world markets for soybeans and meat.

For the journalist and political scientist Bruno Boghossian, Brasilia could quickly find himself in a delicate position. " Brazil would exchange an ambassador for a radical right-wing political communicator. Even if he speaks Trump's language, he will find himself isolated if the Democratic Party ever wins the next elections, "he wrote.

Bolsonaro quer trocar um embaixador por um marketeiro da direita radical. Com escolha de Eduardo, Brasil abre mão da diplomacia para oferecer alinhamento automático e bajulação a Trump. But uma patetice internacional do governo. https://t.co/F9yxjoiCuA

Bruno Boghossian (@brunoboghossian) July 12, 2019