The UDI deputy Christophe Naegelen, rapporteur of a parliamentary commission of inquiry, strongly criticized Europe 1 the lack of resources allocated to the police.


A parliamentary report, published Wednesday, severely pinpoints the working conditions of police and gendarmes.

"We visited the police station in Fontainebleau, which is in a pitiful state.For gendarmes, it also concerns the barracks and where their families live.When a policeman commits himself, he does not expect his family In some places, in slums, in Dijon, there is a barracks with asbestos, with electricity problems, these are conditions that are unworthy of our security forces ", deplored the UDI MEP Christophe Naegelen, rapporteur of the commission of inquiry on "the situation, the missions and the means of the security forces", questioned Wednesday evening on Europe 1.

"With 50 million, we would be able to catch up"

"We have tried to make proposals that will not require a huge increase in public spending.It is a very pragmatic report," said Christophe Naegelen, author of this report with the LREM MP and former head of RAID Jean-Michel Fauvergue.

"We auditioned a hundred people in the Assembly, but also in the field, with 250 to 300 people met throughout France.The expenditure, given the budget, are not huge.With 50 million euros to invest in real estate over a few years, we would be able to catch up the accumulated backlog for 10 years, "said MP UDI.

"We must review the way we use our police and our gendarmerie"

The report also proposes to remove some of the missions currently assigned to law enforcement and which it considers "time-consuming".

"We need to review the way our police and gendarmerie are used, it's not their job to manage the proxies for elections or the loss of papers, which are very time-consuming." The transfer of prisoners should also be the responsibility of the administration. I do not throw stones at the prison administration, which is also sorely lacking means, "concluded the MP.