Thus, Zelensky answered the question about the TV channel NEWSONE, which was planning a teleconference with "Russia 1".

According to Balbek, official Kiev perceives the freedom of speech and European values ​​only in a “truncated format”.

“Throwing mud at Russia is freedom of speech, praising the feats of Bandera is the memory of defenders of European values, trying to talk to ordinary people with the same people of Russia and Ukraine is a treachery,” said Balbek.

According to the deputy, Zelensky believes that freedom of speech in Ukraine is “he and allies.”

“Anyone who thinks otherwise will automatically receive the stigma of traitors. Some kind of delusions of grandeur in the official Kiev, they say, Ukraine can be loved only through hatred of Russia, there are no other options. It is especially unpleasant to hear from a person who was not so long ago in opposition to the authorities, and now he is repeating the theses of his predecessors, ”the parliamentarian concluded.

Earlier, the Ukrainian leader Vladimir Zelensky declared the inadmissibility of the monopolization of television space by "people with pro-Russian views."