This was reported in the Russian Embassy in the UK.

“It is known that visas for employees traveling on business trips are one of the problems of current Russian-British relations. But even in these conditions, the non-issuance of a visa to the representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, who followed the conference, looks crazy, ”the spokesman for the diplomatic department told reporters.

He added that the British themselves invited the Russians to take part in the conference, accredited the delegate, and then themselves disrupted the trip.

According to the diplomat, previously such incidents happened to the United States.

“Now this practice is apparently being adopted in London - such an unexpected manifestation is found in British rapprochement with the United States against the background of Brexit,” said a spokesman, quoted by RIA Novosti.

According to the agency, the British Ministry of Internal Affairs does not comment on the issue of visa issuance in particular cases.

On July 5, it became known that the British Foreign Office did not issue RT TV accreditation to a conference on media freedom.

Later, a representative from the British Foreign Office explained that RT and Sputnik were not accredited "because of their active participation in the dissemination of misinformation."

On July 9, the Russian Foreign Ministry gave London a day to explain the refusal to accredit RT.