For the presidential candidate of the European Commission, "a Brexit without agreement would be catastrophic". Emmanuel Macron does not agree to postpone the divorce again, scheduled for 21 October.

The presidential candidate of the European Commission, the German Ursula von der Leyen, said Wednesday ready to give more time to the UK for its exit from the EU, if London asks. "If the UK needs more time, I agree to give it more time, a Brexit without an agreement would be catastrophic," she said in response to a British speaker during her hearing. in front of the group of Greens.

The request must be submitted by the British government and the decision must be unanimous among the heads of state and government of the 27 EU members. She should face the French president Emmanuel Macron, who refuses to defer a divorce once again scheduled for October 31.

She wanted the UK to stay in the EU

Ursula von der Leyen, chosen by EU Heads of State and Government to succeed Jean-Claude Juncker as President of the European Commission on 1 November, still needs a majority of 374 votes in a vote confirmation by the European Parliament to be confirmed. The vote is scheduled next week in Strasbourg.

During her hearings by the political groups, Ursula von der Leyen wanted the UK to stay in the EU. But she defended the EU 27's divorce agreement with Theresa May, rejected three times by the British parliament. The 27 and the European Parliament categorically refuse to renegotiate it. "Brexit is not the end, but the beginning of a future relationship," she insisted. "It is vitally important that we have good cooperation," she added.