The freight train, which was carrying armored vehicles from the army, was stopped at Libourne station for four hours before another driver completed the journey.

The funny story, reported by Sud-Ouest , dates back to Thursday night. A freight train made an unexpected four-hour stop at Libourne station because ... His driver had worked his hours and had come down.

A military load for the 14th of July

The train, carrying armored army and "all-terrain four-wheel drive vehicles", according to the regional newspaper, had to go to the hourcade marshalling yard, about forty kilometers, to spend the night before joining the Paris region. The equipment on board belonged to a regiment participating in the parade of 14-July in Paris.

Noting that the train was stopped in the open in Libourne, SNCF called the gendarmes, who quickly identified the problem: citing a delay in loading, the driver had left the scene at the end of his working hours. Another driver had to be called to drive the train in the right station. No trains carrying passengers were delayed due to this incident.