Jordan's Telecommunications Regulatory Commission has decided to withhold the game of Bobjee in Jordan, ending the conflicting news that has emerged over the past few days about preventing the game in the country.

The agency published the ban on its official website on Sunday, stressing that the ban came into force on Thursday, July 4, confirming media reports and users who said they can not access the game.

Several sites have been circulating over the past three days without a formal confirmation by the government or the TRA, sparking controversy among users.

The Commission justified its decision to receive a number of observations and complaints by a large number of citizens and some concerned authorities on the negative impact of this game, and the need to take rapid action withheld in order to avoid its negative impact on its users.

The agency said in a statement that it had seen the World Health Organization (WHO) report, which classified the game as a violent game leading to addiction and social exclusion, and that children playing such games are considered more violent than their peers and are more likely to increase aggressive ideas and behaviors .

This was confirmed by the head of the telecommunications sector, Ghazi Jabour, in a statement on Saturday that the decision to block was taken as a result of social damage caused by the game to users.

Al-Jabour told Sky News that hostility, addiction and isolation are social damage caused by the game according to international studies confirmed this.

Joy, sadness and ridicule on communication platforms
The reactions in Jordan varied between welcome, condemnation, ridicule and ridicule, and social networking sites were covered with various comments about the ban on the game. She called for the news to be true before it was confirmed.

O Lord, the news shall be true
Hi there is the news that is available ♥ ️

- DOA (@DAlsarawe) July 5, 2019

"I respect him and I am with him, but has the ban been banned for him or is there another reason?"

A decision that respects me and I am with him
But has the ban been banned for the citizen's interest or is there another reason?

- Abdelrahman Alkhrisha (@bn_rddad) 4 July 2019

He challenged the decision-makers by saying they would not be able to prevent people from playing the game. Blocking could be bypassed by using VPN blocking services, calling on the government to learn from what happened in Iraq when the government decided to cancel the game.

# Block_bajji_v_arden problem thinkers Heck people stopped the game is not aware that the people Chloe vbn today and as a normal game and not as if they were in something, you can not prevent us understand it, you can prevent the prohibition of what has become in Iraq banned by two dimensions Shalo ban because all people came down vbn and normal Camel فش فايدة افهمو

--Music (@MZMufc) July 4, 2019

"Why did not they ban pornographic sites despite years of being banned, is not it also causing addiction and sexual violence?

The ban was not for stated reasons
Perhaps the operators (harassed) of Bobji
So it was banned; after a deal with the government

Otherwise why did not they ban pornographic sites despite years of being banned? Is not it also causing addiction, sexual violence, and ... etc

Important VPN VPN 😂

- Alaa Al Surbje 🇯🇴 (@ASurbje) 7 July 2019

The reaction was not limited to banning the game of Popgi in Jordan to the Jordanian public, but they were joined by the Arabs from the Arab world to express their opinion on the prohibition of the game in Jordan, said Abdul Ilah Al-Otaibi of Saudi Arabia, "Iqbal Saudi Arabia, O Lord."


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- Abdul-Ella Al-Otaibi (@ akbaromdk1987) July 6, 2019

One of the users from Saudi Arabia in Jordan was not able to ban the game, and in a tweet he asked to be returned to Saudi Arabia.

#Block_blog_visit_counter is offline

- ⌽ (@ N15ll_) July 4, 2019

Jordan enters the club of the resistance countries of the bopaji:
The Jordanian Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (JTC) statement posted on the official website said that several countries have banned the game for its negative impact on users such as China, India, Nepal and Iraq.

The ban on the game in Iraq has stirred up a stir, both users and non-users, and reached the House of Representatives, which passed the ban in March.

Although the ban in Iraq included Fortnight's game, which is very similar to the game of Bubgy, the ban in Jordan did not mention Fortnight and other games that use the same principle as the World Health Organization, Questions about targeting Bobji's own game.