As temperatures rise and humidity reaches the summer, many resort to indoor air-conditioning to ensure regular exercise, but if a person plans to continue exercising abroad, especially in areas with high temperatures, it is important to take precautions to prevent Free and secure the body from the effects of heat and sun.
In fact, sweating is the body's way of cooling itself, but it also means losing fluids, which, if not compensated by drinking enough fluids, can lead to dehydration. Moreover, the body works in hot and humid atmosphere with higher performance to regulate its temperature and maintain its balance, and may result from the high temperature of the internal body from heat injury or heat stroke,
The hospital recommended through its official website, following 7 tips and guidelines to avoid danger while exercising in the open summer heat included

1. Keep your body moist: Keep your body hydrated before you go out to exercise, drink sips of water or sports drinks sporadically during exercise, and continue to drink fluids after the end of the sport to compensate for lost fluids and avoid dehydration. In this regard, it is advisable to consult the doctor about the amount needed to consume a day of fluids Item #
2 - Use of sunscreen creams: Because solar burns are another danger that may be encountered when exercising abroad, a sun shield should be placed to protect against ultraviolet radiation type "A" and "B" and that the sun protection factor (SPF) is not Less than 15, in addition to wearing sunglasses and a hat helps to protect the eyes and face from yesterday's harmful rays.
3 - Choosing the right times: It is recommended to change the dates of exercise to avoid going out in the hot times of the day, where the early morning hours and the evening is the most appropriate times to exercise.
4 - Monitor the moisture content of the air: The moisture prevents the sweat produced by the body from evaporation, which means accumulation on the surface of the skin and thus its contribution to reduce the ability of the body to cool itself, resulting in drought.
5 - to reduce the intensity of exercise: summer is not the ideal time to run for a few extra kilometers or exceed the standard time by ten seconds additional, where the intensity of exercise and focus on the interaction of the body and symptoms that may appear during exercise.
6 - Wear appropriate clothing: It is recommended to wear light and moisture-proof and light colors to help expel sweat from the surface of the body and reflect the sun to exercise more comfortably and safely.
7 - Attention to the symptoms that may appear on the body: Spasms or headache or difficulty breathing or dizziness and dizziness or fatigue indicators warn of the incidence of heat exhaustion or other diseases associated with high temperature. If you experience any of these symptoms, you should stop exercising and seek medical help, then re-moisturize the body and find a shady or cool place to rest and wait for help. It is recommended to wrap a wet towel around the neck to help the body to return to normal temperature.