
If Baek Jong-won is popular in Korea as a dish that anyone can easily follow, there is a u tuber hammer in the United States. Hammer has the largest number of subscribers in the world among all the Korean food-related tubers.

The reason why the world is so enthusiastic, Kim Soo-hyeong correspondent met Yu Tubur hammer directly.


The hammer, which runs the YouTube channel for 12 years, has 3.5 million subscribers worldwide.

It is the largest number of YouTube channels based on Korean food.

Her fan meetings have been held around the world and she has become a top chef on YouTube, hurting so many famous chefs like Gordon Ramsey and Jamie Oliver to come up with related search terms.

[Hammer / Korean-style tuber: (son) Why do not you make a meal with your mom video and share it with people? So I started.]

All the dozens of language subtitles attached to YouTube were sent by fans.

[Hammer / Korean food tuber: I live in Africa and I go to Korean food for a few hours, buy food and follow my food recipe ... ]

On the SNS, people from all over the world say that they have succeeded in watching and listening to her Korean recipes on YouTube.

[Hammer / Korean food tuber: (What is the advantage of our dish?) The first is delicious. And I emphasize that I am always delicious. I made kimchi stew with ripe kimchi. I have never seen anyone I hate before, right? The second is diverse. Those things that can be made using such vegetables from the season, so it's very diverse ... ]

I was able to make 370 videos for 12 years thanks to the pride of Korean food.

[Hammer / Korean food tuber: I am very addicted to Korean food, so I have a sense of commitment to make good recipes.]