A dozen women dressed Burkinis led a punch action Sunday afternoon to claim the right to swim with this swimsuit covering but prohibited.

A dozen women dressed in Burkinis fired a punch Sunday afternoon in a swimming pool in Grenoble to claim the right to swim with the swimsuit covering but prohibited, said the police.

According to Le Dauphiné Libéré , seven women accompanied by associative activists entered a municipal swimming pool in the city center around 3:30 pm to bathe, despite the intervention of guards and the management of the establishment. The operation, for which the local media had been invited, ended smoothly around 17h, said the police, informed by the management of the pool. Contacted by AFP, she did not want to speak.

#Grenoble: a dozen women bathe in burkini in a municipal swimming pool to "defend the freedom of religion" https://t.co/dpqtjz0ruXpic.twitter.com/HmXv16QFD1

- franceinfo plus (@franceinfoplus) June 23, 2019

Rules deemed discriminatory

In May, women supported by this same civic association had already conducted a similar action in another municipal pool in the city. In front of the press, they had justified this "act of civil disobedience" as a protest against the regulations of the swimming pools, which they consider discriminatory. They consider that they do not violate any rule of hygiene or security and explain to act "without any religious conviction", but to defend the "freedom of all women".