
I will go to the Blue House.

What is the response from the Chung Wa Dae reporters?


'It is positive in that it continues the dialogue power.' This is the official response of the Blue House.

It is not a direct meeting, but it is meaningful in that it shows that the first communication after Hanoi's breakdown and the normal trust are still there.

This affidavit also said that our government knew beforehand.


Many of you may be wondering about that part, but Cheong Wa Dae officials know the contents, how can you get coverage?


Mr. Moon Jae-in said that he had something interesting about Kim Jong-un's letter received by President Trump last time.

This time, North Korea wrote the same statement about President Trump President, and I asked him what the contents were, and he continued to ask the officials of Cheong Wa Dae.

Once the person who shared the contents was a very small number in the Blue House, the person who knew it specifically cared.

But I'm not sure that North America will try to beat each other before building a new bargain, I think that would be helpful for negotiations.


President Moon Jae-in has also proposed an inter-Korean summit, and North Korea is talking about this. How about this again?


Mr. Moon is going to Japan this Thursday to attend the G20.

There are three days left, so it seems difficult to see the north and south before that.

If Kim Jong Il's current thinking on the denuclearization of the G20 summit, as well as any new proposals or ideas on the denuclearization of the G20, will be passed on to the summit of the ROK-US summit, Seems to.

President Trump arrived on Saturday with a one-night, two-day visit to visit the Demilitarized Zone and meet Kim Jung Eun in a surprise meeting. The Blue House has no schedule yet, It is a beautiful imagination and does not put much weight on it.

(Video coverage: Hyeonghyuk, video editing: Choi Hye-young, field progress: Lee Won Sik)

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