Demonstrators are demanding the introduction of marriage and the right to adoption for same-sex couples, while a bill on this subject is still pending in the Chilean Parliament.

About 100,000 people, according to the organizers, demonstrated Saturday in music and dancing in Santiago for the rights of LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender) in Chile, a conservative country where the influence of the Catholic Church remains strong.

Marriage and adoption for same-sex couples. This march has been organized annually for "Gay Pride" for 19 years by the Movement for Integration and Homosexual Liberation (Movilh), the main LGBT organization in Chile. Participants called for the introduction of marriage and adoption for same-sex couples - a project in this sense is currently pending in the Chilean Parliament - and tougher laws punishing discrimination and homophobic violence.

Marcha del Orgullo Gay inicia desde Plaza Italia in #Santiago de Chile. Miles of personas acompañan the defensa of the derechos of the comunidad #LGBTI.

- Venezolana de Prensa (@VENPRENSA) June 22, 2019

"The inequality before the law mainly affects homoparental families, and the political class is indifferent to this reality," said Movilh spokesman Daniel Andrade.