A healthy balanced diet is a key to maintaining health, fitness, and vitality during daily life, but how can one achieve this system?

According to German nutrition expert Yvonne Knipes, children need to eat five meals a day for their metabolism and small stomach size, which does not give them the energy they need in just three meals.

Cognies are also a good idea for adults, she added. Besides the three main meals, two snacks can be eaten in the form of nuts or vegetables and fruits.

The importance of breakfast
German nutritionist Antje Gal stressed the importance of eating breakfast. This meal is very important for children because they need enough energy to play and memorize lessons.

In addition to the three main meals, two snacks should be served in the form of nuts or fruit to provide the body with the necessary energy throughout the day (German)

For adults, Gal recommends eating something during the afternoon in the form of a cup of juice or a cup of yogurt at least, to avoid the weakness of concentration and fatigue.

German breakfast expert Margaret Murlo explained that breakfast can be made up of bread, honey, jam or cheese. Good choices include whole-grain or unsweetened cereal, yoghurt or fruit.

The lunch should consist of potatoes, pasta, beans and vegetables. Meat should be eaten two or three times a week, and seafood should be eaten at least once.

She noted that one can satisfy his desire to eat sugars by fresh or dried fruit.

Evening snack
In the evening you have to eat small and light meals to avoid weight gain, due to low metabolic activity at night, so stay away from fatty foods at night and prefer light foods, such as yoghurt, vegetables and fruits.

On the other hand, Mourlo pointed out that people who work shifts - especially night - are facing great difficulty in a good diet and balanced, where the continuous change in the rhythm of sleep and wake up, hunger and satiety in the disruption of the biological clock of the body, which may produce Has problems in the digestive system, although the lack of sleep promotes weight gain, in this case should seek specialized medical advice.