In a platform, the founders of the party Agir call the elected right and center right to "join", so "not to let the right curl up on its fringe most conservative".

The co-founders of the party Agir, ex-LR pro-Macron who made an alliance with the Republic on the march for the European elections, called on Tuesday "solemnly the local elected representatives of the right and center right who want to put the interest of their territory first and foremost to join them ".

The party, chaired by the Minister of Culture, Franck Riester, and which has about ten deputies and five senators, proposes in this call published in Le Monde "credible and stable perspectives of governance for our local executives and the majorities on which they will be able to rely. " Gathered in a group of "constructive" after the presidential election of 2017, these pro-Macron were then excluded from LR and had created their party in September 2018.

"Do not let the right curl up on its fringe identity"

"We affirm that the center right and the right pro-European, liberal, humanist and ecologist have not disappeared," they write, two days after a historic defeat for the party of Laurent Wauquiez, which has been undergoing serious turbulences . "We are claiming the legacy of the founding fathers of the UMP, and today it is our responsibility not to let the right curl up on its most conservative and identity-based fringe and thus play the game of the National Gathering." -they.

"The partnership built with the majority of LREM-MoDem and the Radical Movement on the occasion of the European elections has shown its effectiveness: it is the winning logic", write the co-founders of Agir in their appeal, who exhort to what it will "continue tomorrow, whenever it is a question of making live values ​​and choices common at the national level as at the local level, in the service of our territories". After suffering Sunday night the worst score of the Republican right under the Fifth Republic, LR is "endangered", according to several of his executives.