[# AppelÀTémoins ACTUALISÉ] Nouvelles photos et l'homme suspecté d'être l'auteur de l'explosion au colis piégé à # Lyon, rue Victor Hugo.
Si vous avez des informations, #AidezNous.
Appelez le 197. pic.twitter.com/e9nUDCiWxd

- Police nationale (@PoliceNationale) May 25, 2019

“New photos and description of a man suspected of bombing Lyon on Victor Hugo Street. If you have information, help us, ”the police said.

Earlier on the street in Lyon, an explosion occurred. As noted in the media, a mined parcel exploded.

Investigation of the incident transferred to the anti-terrorism unit of the Paris Prosecutor's Office.

According to media reports, according to the latest data, 13 people suffered as a result of the incident.