"To my knowledge this is the first time that a person convicted of acts of a terrorist nature committed in Corsica is erased from Fijait," said Emmanuel Mercinier-Pantalacci.

The Paris Court of Appeal has confirmed the withdrawal of the National Automated Criminal Justice File of the perpetrators of terrorist offenses (Fijait) of a Corsican nationalist militant, AFP learned Saturday from his lawyer, according to which it is a question of 'a first".

"To my knowledge this is the first time that a person convicted of acts of a terrorist nature committed in Corsica is erased from Fijait," said Emmanuel Mercinier-Pantalacci AFP.

Marc Clément, former member of the Corsican National Liberation Front (FLNC) of 22 October, now missing, was sentenced in 2012 by the Paris Special Assize Court to six years in prison for his participation in attacks in Corsica . He had already obtained from the judge freedoms and detention to be deleted from this file, and the prosecution had appealed, said his lawyer.

"It's a very honest decision"

"It is a perfectly honest decision because it is obvious and even claimed by the legislator that this file is intended to promote the fight against the jihadists ... It seemed to us unreasonable to register the former condemned the FLNC in this file ", commented Me Mercinier-Pantalacci.

The association supporting Corsican nationalist prisoners, Sulidarita, and the president of the Corsican Assembly, Jean-Guy Talamoni, congratulated themselves on Twitter for this "victory". Since July 2016, persons sentenced in terrorist files are automatically registered in Fijait, and must in this context declare any change of address and any travel abroad.