Tornado in Collinsville, Oklahoma

Three people have been killed in heavy rains and tornadoes since last weekend in central Oklahoma, Kansas, Missouri and Iowa, the Associated Press reported.

Days after heavy rains, Arkansas, Missouri and Mississippi have risen to record levels, causing damage to low-lying residents.

In Oklahoma, residents were evacuated.

AP WASHINGTON, AP WASHINGTON, AP WASHINGTON - AP reported Wednesday that 70 people were killed in a tornado yesterday in Idaho, Iowa.

In Oklahoma, a body believed to have been drowned has been found, investigating the relationship with rain.

I am worried that more people will be injured.

The governor of Oklahoma, Kevin Suff, who checked the damage with a helicopter, was worried about the possibility of flooding, saying the biggest worry was heavy rain.

The disaster authorities have evacuated Oklahoma's Sand Springs, Bixby, and Weber Falls to low-lying residents around the Arkansas River.

Local officials say some of the houses near the banks were swept away near the Kreint Center in Oklahoma City.

The National Weather Service has issued a flood warning in northeastern Oklahoma and southwestern Missouri.

More than 330 roads have been closed in Missouri, and Oklahoma has 22 roads, including highways.

The Amtrak train connecting St. Louis and Kansas City also stopped.

Meteorological authorities predicted more than 200 millimeters of rain will be released in the central region by the end of this week.

(Photo: Reuters, Yonhap News)