Not only smartphones that can have a collapsible screen, Lenovo has unveiled a prototype of a personal computer that has proven that these design ideas can be applied to a larger screen and a more powerful device.

The computer is the ThinkPad X1, which comes with a 13-inch OLED screen with a 2K resolution. When the screen is fully open, the computer looks like a large Windows Slite computer or an iPad tablet computer. Here you get a computer with a 9.6-inch screen in half The upper, with a keyboard in the lower half of the screen is similar in measurement.

The device - which has no official name yet - has many ways to use it. The keyboard that appears in the lower half of the screen, when flexed, is effective but needs some practice to master it, according to Toms Gayd.

The company plans to offer a keyboard that accompanies the screen and communicates with it via Bluetooth. In this case, the screen can be used with its full size of 13 inches, which will be based on a rear rack for use with the actual keyboard like any desktop computer of all-in-one quality.

The folding computer comes with a Stylus Stylus Pen (Toms Side)

Although folding screens are still a hot topic, they are also a big question now, especially after the Samsung Galaxy Folded phone, which the company postponed after it was reported on problems with its screen.

But Lenovo says it is well aware of the problems faced by Galaxy's phone and claims it can avoid it.

The X1 computer has a Web camera, USB-C and stylus drives, and Windows, although the company did not specify the quality of the processor or the version of Windows it works in, nor did Lenovo announce the price or final name of the device or the date of its launch, Be sometime next year.