Korean youths who do not start romance with fear of sex crimes such as dating violence or illegal shooting have appeared in the main website of CNN website in the United States.

CNN introduced the Korean young people who avoid dating in their headline on the homepage of Seoul on the 12th, entitled "Dating is too expensive or dangerous to many Korean young people".

CNN has identified that Korean young people are increasingly avoiding dating because of economic and social problems. Last year, the Korea Institute for Health and Social Affairs surveyed 26- and 32-percent of males and females compared with 20-44-year-old unmarried males and females.

CNN has found that there is a reality that Korean young people are not able to afford time to spend their romance in the job market and to spare time and mind when they are away from romance. In South Korea, CNN explained that the unemployment rate for teenagers aged 15-29 is 10.8 percent, and only about 10 of the 10 regular workers are relatively stable even when they seek jobs.

CNN has also introduced a case of a young man who can not get out of a relationship because he ran away without a bird to prepare for a job. As a part of his preparation for employment, 24-year-old Kim Joon-hyuk, who is at Sejong University, goes to a school, which is 30 minutes away from home on weekday evenings, and learns game design. Kim said, "I do not have time to (love)," he said. "Even if I meet someone, I'm sorry I do not have time to invest in him." The problem is that the cost of dating itself is burdensome.

The marriage information company duo estimated the average dating cost for one time at 63,495 won. This is the amount that a person receiving a minimum wage of 8,350 won per hour will be able to pay for 7.6 hours.

CNN said there were sexual crimes and sex discrimination among obstacles blocking the love of Korean youths. According to a police investigation, "dating violence" in dating relationships increased from 9,000 in 2016 to more than 19,000 in 2018. A 21-year-old college student, Sue said, that a friend was determined not to love when he saw his assault and stalking from a broken boyfriend. Lee said, "I have to invest a lot of time to find a man I can trust. I was wondering if love is so important to my life."

CNN says Korean young women are especially concerned about digital sex crimes, such as illegal shooting, in addition to violence. Last year, 65% of the cases reported to the Ministry of Gender Equality and Humanitarian Victims Support Center were committed by their acquaintances.

CNN has added that Korean young people are even more afraid because of illegal shooting scandals of K-pop stars including Chung Joon-young who have shaken Korean society over the past few months.

Bae Jung Won, who is in charge of the 'Performance and Culture' course at Sejong University, said, "The illegal shooting scandal was a big shock to women." Now, many of the women are worried about what to do if my boyfriend takes my body during sex. "He said.

(Photo = CNN Press Screen Capture)