“The situation in the world is becoming more and more dangerous ... The main principles and foundations of international life are being blown to smithereens,” Le Driien said in an interview with the newspaper Le Parisien.

According to him, countries have ceased to comply with international treaties and agreements, and also no longer respect the borders of other states.

"The provisions of the Paris Climate Treaty, the Treaty on the Elimination of Medium and Short Range Missiles, the International Arms Trade Treaty, the Joint Comprehensive Action Plan (with Iran. - RT ) and a number of others (agreements - RT ) are systematically questioned," said french minister.

According to the head of the French Foreign Ministry, the responsibility for this is largely the responsibility of the United States, China and Russia.

In addition, Le Drian expressed concern about the growing terrorist activity in the world and with the growing confrontation between the countries.

He noted that all these factors could lead to "international anarchy."

Earlier, during the informal summit in Romania, the heads of the EU countries agreed to protect the security of citizens and preserve the unity of Europe.