On the occasion of the holidays, several brands have marketed zebra, kangaroo or ostrich meat in supermarkets. Products that have created controversy on social networks.

"Exotic meats" in supermarkets. Pavers of zebra, kangaroo, bison, crocodile, llama or ostrich appeared among the products of the brands Saveurs forestières, Damien de Jong or Maître Jacques sold by Carrefour, Auchan, Houra, Cora or Intermarché . Several Internet users have been indignant at finding such products on social networks.

Auchan are you serious there? Zebra for the holidays? Do we really need that? You disgust me ... # Auchan # scandalous # shameful # boycottpic.twitter.com / usVS6xaKQe

- La Rousse (@ Marina_G66) December 10, 2018

Crocodile net or zebra pad for Christmas ?? WTF ?? pic.twitter.com/8yCitGji4s

- Vanessa Girard (@ VanessaGirard75) December 24, 2018

Hey Carrefour, you bought a zoo or what?
Zebra meat, llama etc ... Me, I'm more hungry and you? .
"Exotic" meat at the supermarket ?! Do not like it at all !!! #poorworld
## toutvatresbiensinon # # onauratoutvu grrrrpic.twitter.com / AQVMsPIbBu

- Bernizzz (@berniiiiiz) December 27, 2018

Remi Gaillard denounces in turn. Animal humorist Rémi Gaillard also denounced these products. "Hello Carrefour, for 2019 you can make panda steaks please?" he quipped.

Hello @CarrefourFrance,
For 2019, you can do panda steaks please?
Thank you for also putting zebra in your shelves because we find less and less in nature.
With you I positive to death! # Kangouroupic.twitter.com / QKdoae8AWZ

- Rémi Gaillard (@nqtv) December 28, 2018

30 million friends alert about the zebra population. The association 30 million friends took the controversy to warn about the vulnerability of the species thus sold for consumption. "Of the three species of zebra, two are particularly at risk," says a survey of the association. And the population of the most widespread species is declining in 10 out of 17 countries.

Zebra breeding for their meat is allowed in South Africa where the population is stable. This is also the source of the meat marketed in France, according to the LDC group owner of Saveurs Forestières, Le Gaulois and Chicken Loué. But the sale of such products is "a very bad signal sent to consumers". As for the kangaroo, it is considered overpopulated in Australia and hunted.

According to Femme Actuelle, several brands have removed these products from their e-shop and drive stores where they were proposed after the publication of the survey of 30 million friends Thursday.