According to the RNS, citing press secretary of the court Yulia Kotomina, the plaintiff requires 50 million rubles each.

“The lawsuit does not indicate the name and patronymic of the plaintiff, A. A. Bestayev, but it is said that from both defendants, Anastasia V. Ivleeva and Yury Alexandrovich Dudy, he asks to collect 50 million rubles - cumulatively 100 million rubles - in a lawsuit on the protection of honor, dignity and business reputation, ”said Kotomina.

She noted that the plaintiff demanded a refutation of information that was “circulated in an interview of August 21, which Ivleeva Dudiu gave.”

The court did not specify what kind of information was the reason for filing a lawsuit, which arrived in late December 2018. The claim is left without movement, added Kotomina.

In November 2018, the former head of Russian Railways, Vladimir Yakunin, filed a lawsuit against Novaya Gazeta for protection of business reputation.