"If we do not get border security after many years of negotiations in the United States, then closing the government will not be a problem for me," Trump told reporters. His speech was broadcast by ABC.

"If we do not get border security, after many many years of talk within the United States, I would have no problem doing a shutdown," Pres. Trump says. https://t.co/7cuzYGzTRSpic.twitter.com/gQmsyinihM

- ABC News (@ABC) July 30, 2018

Earlier, Trump threatened that he could suspend the work of the government if Democrats did not support the legislation on the protection of the country's borders, which also includes the construction of a wall on the border with Mexico.

He also called the US migration legislation the stupidest in the world. In his opinion, illegal migrants should be sent immediately, and not after many years of legal proceedings.