▲ Allen Garcia, President of the Peruvian capital Lima

Al-Garcia, the former president of Peru, who has died on his own, has made a suicide note saying that he will make an extreme decision not to be humiliated.

According to the BBC and Reuters news agency, Garcia 's will was revealed yesterday on his daughter, Lucia Garcia Nores, while supporters were gathered at a funeral home in Lima, capital of Peru.

"I do not want to be embarrassed," Garcia said in a suicide note, "I have seen other people go handcuffed, dragged, and miserable," he said. "I do not have to suffer like that. Said.

In Central and South America, a large-scale suspicion has arisen that the Brazilian large-scale builder Odebretsi has been paying bribes to businessmen from nine Latin American countries for $ 460 million and $ 520 billion for business orders since 2001, 30 million dollars, 34 billion won was given to the Peruvian government.

In Peru, four former presidents rushed to the scene, and Garcia climbed up to the second floor and made extreme choices as police officers arrived at his home to arrest him.

"I leave my dignity to my children and colleagues as a sign of pride," Garcia said in his will, "I have left my body as a sign of contempt for my enemies because I have already fulfilled the call given to me." I wrote.

Garcia has said he has been a victim of political persecution because he has no clue or evidence after a suspicion of extortion.

Many people gathered to see his funeral procession in Lima, where they moved the streets through Lima's streets ahead of the makeup of Garcia.

In a suburb of Lima, eight people were killed and more than 40 injured on a bus carrying supporters to attend Garcia's funeral, local police said.

(Photo: Reuters)