About this he wrote on his Twitter page.

“We agreed on mechanisms to ensure public safety and the legality of the elections. We will act in a coordinated and decisive manner. All candidates will receive protection, not preferences! ”He noted.

On NARADI AIM for the participation of a member of the Central Exhibition Complex, Gromadyanskaya lesszh OPORA @opora, members of the AIM team and the NPU @NPU_GOV_UA, they are interested in the security of the public, without law and lawful vibrations. Dyatimemo coordinated that rishuche. All candidates deny zhist, and not preferences! pic.twitter.com/xmc8EgJKFK

- Arsen Avakov (@AvakovArsen) January 14, 2019

Earlier it became known that the Ukrainian leader Petro Poroshenko led the presidential anti-rating in Ukraine.