He is a little annoyed, Gerard Chevalier, about the resigned atmosphere, otherwise whiny, seeming to reign at the Congress of Mayors of France. The mayor of Beaupréau-en-Mauges explained it in preamble of the municipal council, Tuesday, November 20th. He advocates voluntarism, without waiting for everything from the state or the recognition of citizens.

Gerard Chevalier did not want to go to the Congress of Mayors of France. And for good reason. " Here, I have work like all elected officials. I do not have time to complain, "he says between the lines.

Not a word about the new communes!

The mayor, the deputies, councilors and committee leaders present Tuesday evening at the Beaupréau-en-Mauges municipal council, react to the state of mind that emanates from this congress.

Here, it is estimated that the reports that the media report show only a unilateral face of the mayors of France. "The images as the comments show only citizens desolate, exhausted, tired ... There is not a single word on the new towns , we react in the room, echoing the mayor. Here and there we hear that mayors suffer from lack of consideration. These people were wrong! We are not the mayor for that. We are elected to do the job, period. "

Increasing difficulties of course, but ...

If Gérard Chevalier concedes that there are real difficulties with multiple causes, he is not one of those who will wait for solutions from the state, as if the money would fall from the sky.

"It is true that our activity requires a lot of personal investment. It is true that there is an evolution of society that leads citizens to consumer attitudes. We often face the bad faith of our fellow citizens. It is also true that we have less financial means, but hey ... ", he admits.

"Neither depressed nor exhausted! "

Based on these observations, made all over France and particularly in rural areas, Gérard Chevalier highlights all the work done in the Mauges, for years. And to remember that a municipal team also has the mission to anticipate.

" In the Mauges, we work in a collective dynamic. We project perspectives, we build on our strengths, we stand together, we respect each other ... We are neither depressed nor exhausted! We work together . We are not perfect, we have no lesson to give, we do not always agree. But we say it and we advance! "

A voluntarist speech that reassures the capacity of local political representatives to face major challenges.

Another image of rural France that does not give up, who engages, who adapts, who is not afraid to wet the shirt for the public thing.