“Notre Dame de Paris in its significance and artistic level is one of the most eminent, as are the cathedrals of Saint-Denis, Chartres and Reims. Its appearance and structure with a unique ensemble of sculpture and stained glass, created in the XIII-XIV centuries, is an exemplary monument of French Gothic, which absorbed not only the best, but also became an architectural symbol of Paris and France, serving as a model for many architects of the next centuries “- said the expert.

He added that this is an example of "one of the largest restorations in the history of architecture."

“When the design of Viollet-le-Duc not only recreated such lost elements as the spire and part of the decor, but also understood the specifics of the French Gothic style, which was of great importance for the history of architecture as a science,” he explained.

According to the historian of architecture, it was the roof and spire created by Viollet-le-Duc that were lost.

“One can only hope that the restorers will be able to recreate the lost with the same phenomenal skill that the masters of the XIX century had, and this is a very difficult task, despite modern technologies,” concluded Bocharnikov.

Earlier, the representative of the corps of firefighters of the city, Gabriel Plus, said that the fire in Notre Dame Cathedral was completely extinguished.

Russian President Vladimir Putin offered the French leader Emmanuel Macron the help of specialists in the restoration of Notre Dame.