The evening edition, the digital complement of Ouest-France, is available on all your screens! Discover the Une and the summary of this Thursday, December 6th.

The evening edition is online! Tablet, smartphone, computer: the digital supplement of the newspaper Ouest-France is accessible on all your screens. You can now discover for free the articles of this Thursday December 6th by clicking on the links below.

News. The info break of the day

Future. What gives you hope for the future?

Cons. People from 20 countries around the world open their fridge

United States. Why Bush's coffin makes one last trip by train

Unusual. The young penguin was waiting for his mom on the beach

United States. A puppy digs up a 13,000-year-old mammoth tooth in his garden

Justice. A law to save oyster yards from speculation

Motorbike. In this Norman store, we manufacture the bike of your dreams

Offbeat news. The unusual of the day

Sports. 24 hours chrono ...

Sail. What happens to the stragglers of the Route du Rhum?

Italy. Craco, this collapsing Italian village

. Quiz story. Test your knowledge in 20 questions

And also: our news quiz, games, and other surprises ...