Former Barcelona coach Tito Villanova, who left the world on April 25, 2014, is credited with convincing the Argentine star to stay in Barcelona just six days before his death.

Former Spanish assistant Jordi Rora revealed that the latter was in a delicate and delicate stage, because the Léo was not convinced of his continued presence at the Camp Nou.

"The two sides met and talked for several hours, and then Messi decided to continue, and we hoped that the continuity for years to come."

About a year before his death, Villanova, who won the 2012/2012-2013 Liga title, left the team after being diagnosed with glandular cancer.

Barcelona, ​​who led Messi and Villanova 100 points in the league, collected an unbeaten finish in the tournament so Barcelona could not repeat it again.

Villanova was assistant to Pep Guardiola during the 2007-2008 season when he was training the second team for Barca, and continued with him when he trained the first team.