Videos posted on the website of the London police.

"Recording from the security cameras of two suspects, known under the pseudonyms Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov, demonstrates how they arrive and move around Solbseri on Sunday, March 4," the message said.

Also on the site are photographs of the bottle, which allegedly contained a poisonous substance, which were poisoned with Squeaks.

On September 5, British prosecutors announced the names of two suspects in the Salisbury incident. According to the British authorities, these are Russian citizens Alexander Petrov and Ruslan Boshirov. Scotland Yard published their photographs taken at Gatwick Airport at the time they flew into the country.

Subsequently, Petrov and Boshirov gave a 25-minute interview to RT, in which they stated, in particular, that they had visited Salisbury as tourists and knew nothing about Skripale.