Despite Brexit and the rise of right-wing populist forces, Germans have a predominantly positive image of the European Union. This emerges from a representative survey published by the European Parliament. According to this, 76 percent of the German citizens surveyed consider German EU membership a good thing.

The European elections will take place at the end of May. The German value is significantly above that of the remaining states. 61 percent of Europeans believe that their country's EU membership is a good thing. 68 percent said their country benefited from EU membership. Italy is the only country where the majority does not share this opinion.

When determining the EU-wide average, all EU countries except Great Britain were taken into account. The reason for this is that the UK's exit from the EU at the time of the survey was scheduled for March 29. Meanwhile, he was postponed to the end of October at the latest.

Of the British surveyed, 37 percent said they would vote for Brexit in a new referendum, while 45 percent would vote in favor of EU membership. 18 percent would not be safe - this number grew by six percentage points compared to the Eurobarometer half a year ago. At the referendum in 2016, almost 52 percent voted in favor of Brexit.