Largely ahead in the first round of the presidential election in Brazil, Fernando Haddad, Lula's colt, believes that his opponent Fair Bolsonaro "foment violence".

Fernando Haddad, the leftist presidential candidate in Brazil, said in an exclusive interview with AFP on Saturday that his far-right opponent Jair Bolsonaro "foments violence, including the culture of rape," two weeks before second round.

"Arming the population will not solve anything , " said Haddad, referring to the flagship proposal by Bolsonaro, a second-round favorite, to liberalize the carrying of weapons while the country is experiencing a surge in violence.

"My opponent foments violence, including the culture of rape. He told a member that he would not rape her because she did not deserve it. Want a stronger signal? He said, recalling his opponent's remarks against MP Maria do Rosario from 2014.

Haddad beaten in polls

Fernando Haddad, who got 29% of the votes in the first round, against 46% for Bolsonaro, still believes in his chances to turn things around, even if the first poll between the two rounds gives the candidate of extreme right largely victorious (58% against 42%).

"He has always incited violence, imagine a person whose hero is one of the greatest torturers on the continent," he said of Bolsonaro's homage to a senior officer accused of torture in the past. during the dictatorship (1964-85).

"This person is leading the polls, but she will lose," said the former mayor of Sao Paulo.

"How can a person who advocates intolerance promise security? " , Continued the one who replaced a month before the first round as PT candidate former president Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva, incarcerated for corruption and declared ineligible.

A series of assaults last week of leftist activists attributed to Bolsonarists worried Brazil and Bolsonaro had to call his supporters calm.